– Add rudimentary support for loading object state from scenario files
– Extend the example house1 scenario
Relates to #83, #84
Hello! This commit brings rudimentary support for adding objects through the scenario definitions. While we’re not quite there yet to have Foobert and Bart being added this way, it definitely does support all “regular” objects, including light sources and temperature modifying objects.

I also took the opportunity to extend the house1 scenario a bit to include more of an actual, well, house.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the radiators work as they normally do, keeping everything cosy even during cold nights. How cold those nights get is a simple scenario setting now. 🙂
Hopefully I’ll be back soon with more work on the object insertion. After that the next stop will probably making all of this accessible through the menus, giving everything more of an actual “game” feeling, something I’m really looking forward to. Byeeee. 🙂