Commit 550e54fc

– Properly set the post-exit angle when leaving an object
– Fix the logical dimensions of the bed object + adapt lying animation to match
– Fix some clang warnings

Relates to #12, #13

Hi! Once again, pretty self-explanatory items on the list, next up will probably be adding (and animating) the transition animations. I hope to be able to give some good news soon. 🙂

Commit 8f383c81

– Use the same implementation for the “lying down” mechanic as for the sitting one
– Adjust dimensions of the “bed” object to make it better fit the world dimensions

Relates to #12, #13

Not too much had to be done to make it happen, but now the “lying down” mechanic also works (with the same caveats as mentioned before), but it is pretty nice to see this object finally see some use as well besides just existing and looking nice. 🙂